Therapeutic Modalities

Psychodynamic Therapy Sessions

In London, West London

Discover the benefits of psychodynamic therapy from an accredited psychotherapist in London, West London. At W11psychotherapy, I use a combination of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and mentalisation-based therapy (MBT) to help clients manage a variety of mental health conditions, including impulsive behaviour, suicidal thoughts, mood swings, and anger issues. Get in touch today to find out more.

What Is Psychodynamic Therapy?

My psychodynamic theoretical orientation involves exploring the relationship and dynamic between myself and the client to identify whether they are informed by early attachments and associations. Paying close attention to the client’s discourse, I watch for clues to any underlying issues. Metaphors and dreams are particularly helpful in accessing psychological material that may be blocked by trauma or defence mechanisms.

Psychodynamic Therapy

My theoretical orientation is psychodynamic; using the relationship between myself and the client, looking at the dynamics between us and exploring whether they are informed by early attachments and associations. I pay attention to the client's discourse as it often provides clues of the underlined issues. I find metaphors and dreams particularly helpful in accessing psychological material that may be blocked by trauma or defence mechanisms.

DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy)

I use DBT to help clients with borderline or emotionally unstable personality disorders to manage impulsive behaviour, suicidal thoughts, mood swings and anger. DBT was specifically developed to help develop the skills needed to regulate highly intensive emotions and also manage psychological turmoil, impulsivity, and rapidly fluctuating moods, all symptoms associated with personality disorders.

When you struggle with the day-to-day reality of living with a personality disorder, it can feel as if there is no way out. Intense feelings of isolation, anger, shame and resentment can build up with explosive consequences for you and the people around you. And yet with the help of well-tailored therapy, many individuals can change the way they think and behave, paving the way for more fulfilling lives.

MBT (Mentalisation-Based Therapy)

I find MBT particularly useful in regulating personal relationships. The process of mentalisation involves interpreting your actions and those of others, considering different perspectives in social contexts, whilst fostering curiosity, contemplation and belief in changeability

Assessment requires detailed attention to the attachment history of the individual and their capacity to trust others and form relationships. This type of therapy is highly effective in developing resilience and reducing relational anxiety, depression, and social isolation. The main components of effective mentalising are:

EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based psychotherapy method designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories.

In essence, powerful memories that are encoded in your short-term memory can interfere with your present life. EMDR helps transfer these memories to long-term memory (desensitisation), so the memories do not affect how you react now.

As a BACP-accredited and EMDR-trained therapist with over a decade of experience, I integrate this type of therapy with other therapeutic techniques to provide tailored and effective treatment. EMDR therapy involves eight structured phases, guiding you through the processing of distressing memories and beliefs.

By focusing on specific eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation, EMDR not only helps you reprocess traumatic memories but also empowers you to develop healthier coping mechanisms and fosters resilience. This is effective in treating conditions such as:

EMDR Therapy

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Anxiety and Panic Disorders

  • Depression

  • Phobias

  • Grief and Loss

  • Stress-Related Issues

  • Overreactions to Bad News

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Need Psychiatric Help?

Specialising in psychodynamic counselling, I offer DBT, MBT, and EMDR therapy sessions.

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